draw your arrow on the metal sheet

or draw it on a piece of paper and stick the paper to the metal sheet . I just like to draw the easy shapes on to my metal directly
cut out with your jewelry saw and 1/0 saw blades
clean the arrow with steel wool for easier soldering
cut a 4 inch long piece from sterling silver

I used 18 gauge ( thicker then that and it gets hard to bend into shape )
flux your arrow and add your solder

I use extra easy wire solder ( silver )
fire up your torch

Did I mention I love fire :)
heat until your solder "flows" ( melts)

flux your sterling silver strip and put the arrow onto it solder site down

heat again until solder flows ( I took a pic of the red hot metal -its so hot that it is red in color ,much more heating and it would start melting )
clean your strip and start texturing

use a dremel with a buffing wheel ,or a polisher or a flex shaft for cleaning , add texture with a screw driver
bend so that the arrow is a bit longer then the lower part

flip down and put your pen on the edge and press with your finger at the middle

you can bend it a bit more with your fingers
pound with a raw hide or nylon hammer on the right hand ( the bend end )