Why I went to McDowell
When it comes to working for yourself, starting your own business, or the infamous "work from home" career, there are two unique groups: those that manage to not work at all and those who can't tear themselves away from business not even for a moment without a nagging conscious. As Tim O'Leahry would say "turn on, tune in, and drop out," although here I'm not talking about acid or psychedelics, rather turn in and tuning into nature for a trip powered by the beauty often missed as run about in our cities of concrete.
While McDowell was no means an adventure in Walden, I went to McDowell to roll a scenic 28.7 mile loop today and take in the rare views of the Mazatzal Mountains frosted coated and glazed with snow. As the sunset and the day came to end, the colours began to emerge.
[caption id="attachment_757" align="alignnone" width="290"] One of my favourite training loops[/caption]
Clearly Niciart is run by a wife hubby team who fall into that second group of entrepreneurs who find themselves working and too often are unable to tear themselves away from the desk. Working for yourself is not easy in the least and many observers might note the luxury of being able to catch an afternoon. Yes, I'll confess this is perhaps one of the luxuries of having our own business, however the cost of that luxury means staying up past midnight to keep plugging away on unveiling some new products for Valentine's Day. Our big debute will be exactly 4 weeks before V-Day, where we will slowly unveil our latest collection of guitar picks.
[caption id="attachment_764" align="alignnone" width="5376"] Looking north you can see the hints of the distant white capped mountains[/caption]
In moments like these, I will say I come up with some of my best ideas and return home invigorated, inspired, and once again ready to give it all my best.
[caption id="attachment_769" align="alignnone" width="5376"] The Four Peaks of Mazatzal[/caption]
In so many ways, NiciArt was conceived and inspired on these high desert plains where the Sonoran Desert rises to meet the Rocky Mountains. As much as I would like to claim this place as my own, I am only following in the footsteps or should I say, the tire tracks, of the elders who looked out at this landscape for 10,000 years and passed down their own stories about the earth and sky through the generations... and this is why I went to McDowell.